spoonOFknife's forum posts
When viewing the contributions page in ratings mode no game titles are displayed
my page for examplehttp://www.gamespot.com/users/spoonOFknife/contributions?mode=ratings
the ratings themselves are there, the markup looks like this:
[td cl@ss="product"][a href="http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/minininjas/index.html?tag=my-ratings%3B2"][/a][/td]
[td cl@ss="score"]9.5[/td]
so as you can see the score is showing up in the second cell but even though the href is pointing to the correct game there is nothing in the cell (broke tags with brackets so GS would let me post the code)
hope this issue hasn't been raised yet
strangely enough tag search works fine, if you click on the "tags" link above the search box and type in your query it works fine
hmm found away around it for now by searching assassins creed 2, and under the movies tab clicking download
Hi, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been happening long but when I watch a video now I only get the center column with the video/comments, the right column with download links etc is gone.
I have tried a few videos but the assassins creed 2trailer in particular I wanted to grab a higher res download.
I'm using chrome but I tried in IE8 with the same result.
If anyone can confirm that it is a temporary issue that would be cool.
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