I would start with the Atari VCS. Prices are still relatively low with that system and it has a ton of classics.
Yar's Revenge, Space invaders, Gravitar, Defender, Asteroids, Combat, and so many more.
Or my personal favorite, the Colecovision. It was a powerhouse for its time, delivering some of the best arcade ports you could buy in 1982-83. I still enjoy playing games like Ladybug, Venture, Pepper II, Centipede, Space Fury, Time Pilot, Mr. DO!, Carnival, etc..
I realize you were speaking of the N64 era, and thereabouts, so these truly retro systems might seem silly, but that's where *I* would start. Nintendo collecting has gone nuts over the last 10+ years and the prices have inflated to way more than they should seem to be.
What it really comes down to is that you should just collect your favorite games.
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