Somehow, I am squarely in the target audience for this thing. Granted, there may only be, like, 5 of us in the audience, but I'm one of them. Our PS5 is setup in the living room our kids like to hang out in. After they're in bed, my spouse and I retreat to ours. She quite often falls asleep before me, so there's regular playing time available most nights. This would be perfect for some late night playing sessions before I fall asleep.
However, I'm pretty annoyed they are going the proprietary root for wireless audio. Pretty lame of them to tout it as a feature, too (hey look, you can connect to the Playstation AND your phone!). That's almost enough for me to just go get a Backbone instead. I'm still willing to see how this plays and all the release features it has, but it's a pretty shitty move on Sony's part to do this.
I have some serious faith in Chris Roberts and am just absolutely dying for this game to be as amazing as it can be.... but with every stretch goal, I worry this game is getting way too ambitious. I want every aspect of this thing to be amazing, and the more that gets added the less likely that'll be the case.
@Super_Tramp That was precisely my first thought as well, although we're talking about entirely different things. EA employees participated in an AIDS walk. These guys sold an XP boosting in-game item. One's certainly gonna drive more donations than the other.
"The AI isn't perfect, however; you can sometimes draw enemies into attacking before they might be ready by sending a smaller force out to stage a hit-and-run before falling back to a heavily fortified planet with the bad guys in pursuit. This usually results in a full-on assault, which can be played in your favor if you're sitting back with a Titan, some carriers, a few other capital battleships, and a load of cruisers and corvettes just waiting for the enemy to warp in."
That actually sounds pretty awesome, although it would be better if the AI learned from this in each individual game, or maybe didn't pursue every time. But I can think of plenty of military narratives involving over-confident commanders pursuing a smaller force only to be ambushed around the corner.
NOTE: I had no idea this had been released. Sins is probably one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. I'm not sure I should spend $30 right now on this budget-wise, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to resist.
Weird... In ACII I saw the opposite of GS' conclusion. Everything looked clearer and a little more vibrant in the PS3 version. I saw no difference in textures, either.
PS3 shots do look a bit sharper and clearer... The biggest thing is the fogginess or whatever in those 360 shots. The colors are just a little faded. Nice to see EA finally making an effort with the PS3 version.
I'm kind of... confused as to how this is going to work. It'd have a finite capacity at any given time, right? I mean, any game you're playing has to be streamed off a single computer. And if a ton of people are playing at the same time, there needs to be a computer for every one of those players. Now, say OnLive reaches the install base of the PS3 or 360. They won't need 16m or 20m computers, but they'll need enough to meet the absolute largest peak demand conceivable. Otherwise people will be waiting in queue to play their games. Which brings up the next point. If they're planning on upgrading all their computers every 6 months, they'll need to pay for it somehow. Lets just say they'll have 1/4 as many computers as installed users (say 5m computers for 20m users), and that upgrading to the latest and greatest every 6 months will cost roughly $1k per cycle. That means each user is still on the hook for $250 every 6 months. I'm sure advertising will take a nice chunk out of that, but all of it? I don't know about that. This sounds like a good idea, but I just am not sure how it's actually supposed to work. Oh, and how does the unit transmit HD signals to an HDTV without DVI or HDMI?
sportwarrior's comments