This might be easy for me... 1. Haze 2. Guitar Hero Aerosmith 3. Guitar Hero Van Halen 4. Assassin's Creed 5. MLB: The Show 07 6. All Pro Football 7. Blitz II: The League 8. Mercenaries 2 9. Army of Two 10. Saints Row 2 I paid $20 or less for almost all of these games. ~$200 is a pretty good price for invisibility ;-)
So I recently discovered that Lord of the Rings: Online will be going Free-to-play in the near future. So I decided this would be a good time to get back into the game. I'm setting up my free trial to try it out and play it a bit and try to get back into it when free-to-play comes around. Now I was an original Beta tester for the game before it was released and I was pretty impressed but because lack of money I stopped playing. So before I get back into the game I'd like to know a little about it. How has the game changed since I've played, how's the community, and how much of middle earth can actually be accessed?
I tried viewing the site but it's never as acurate as actual players of the game. I'm a huge tolkein fan so I don't want to be disappointed!
You might be better served asking this question on a LOTR:Online specific forum. Perhaps the one here, but you'd probably have a better chance on the developer's forum. I wish I could be of more help.
Act of War: Direct Action is the best answer, in my opinion. That game is excellent and a ton of fun. Unfortunately, the game has an issue on computers with more than 3gb of RAM. It's unplayable. You basically have to limit the amount of usable RAM in your BIOS or in Windows to 3gb and restart in order to play it. That all said, it's ALMOST worth all that trouble for me. I really loved playing that game. It has plenty of real world or near-real world units, though, so it'll probably feel closest to WiC in that respect.
I haven't played Napoleon yet, mainly because I haven't explored Empire as much as I should. I enjoyed the 20+ hours I've put into it, but I can't quite justify picking up essentially the same game when I haven't even given the 1st enough playtime. What specifically is more refined about it?
I know a lot of people have had issue with the original fats, but I haven't really had any at all. I purchased mine in 2007 and still play it at least 10 hours a week. Not only that, but I have 3 other friends with original fats that are still going strong this long after launch.
I certainly have one at some level. I don't buy games at full price, but If there's a game I'm remotely interested in playing that I find on sale, I have a hard time not buying it, regardless of whether I have time to play it. I've got about 7 games sitting here still in their wrapping that I haven't even touched. I haven't done that at all until this generation.
I gotta say that's pretty awesome. Move has, in my mind anyway, always had more potential in game applications than any of the other motion controllers. It might not look as catchy or new as the Kinect, but it's just got way more potential.
Somehow I forgot that Plus subscribers would be getting exclusive demos. Betas, I understand. But demos? That's absurd. I'm sure it'll become available to all users in the future, but they can no longer say that regular PSN users will continue getting the same service they always have. Either they're releasing a demo exclusively to Plus users and delaying it to the rest of us, or they're saying that we all would have been getting the demo much later EVEN THOUGH it's ready to go now. I don't care all that much for Kane & Lynch, but the concept of exclusive demos irritates me.
There wont be an official RDR price drop for a while. Not while it's selling. I'd think you'd have to wait until at least well after Christmas. Maybe summer 2011. Your best bet is to find a sale for $40-50 or so.
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