Fun game and love the concept of it. Rated 7/10 and took away 3 points for following 3 reasons.
1) The AI gameplay is not good. Team members cannot be issued complex commands like lob a flashbang there or clear that entire area like in previous GR games.
2) The team members are always so far away or even if they are standing right next to you they take an age to revive you if you go down. Most annoying during timed missions as they take 15-20 seconds to revive the player and the timer runs out.
3)SAM sites are ANNOYING. If you spot them they are lost again (removed from the map). If you destroy them they still fire missiles at you. Happened to me several times when I destroyed the SAM sites and then stole the plane or heli and still the SAM site fired at me somehow. They should have made the spotted sites appear on map permanently or not respawn destroyed sites till the base respawns.. as it happens the base is clear of enemies but SAM respawns..
spyder_pk's comments