Last gen had a big issue as it came to a close: the next gen was invading the space and depending on where you stood, you could have ended up missing out on some great titles. Some titles were lucky enough to get critical praise and consumer avoidance on both gens (ie: Okami, which was a disappointment on PS2 and Wii), while others were great games that were re-pushed on next gen (Psychonauts), and yet still others are lost in the last gen shuffle and unless you have a BC console you may not touch them (God of War). In any event, I refuse to believe that everyone out there has played these games. In fact, I will mark this moment, here and now, that no current gen gamer has experienced all the games they wanted to in the last gen. I recommend everyone create a backlog where you take a last gen game and agree to play it at least 3-5 hours (calibrate based on how hardcore a gamer you are) a week. I know, I know, this is an idea on the 1up FM podcast, but they are doing it for you, i think people should do it.
I have my queue set up and here's how it looks (in order of when I'll play, top to bottom):
-God of War (PS2)
-Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (xbox)
-Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (PS2)
-Psychonauts (xbox)
-Killzone (PS2)
-Manhunt (xbox)
-God of War II (PS2)
Any you think I haven't thought of? Please note, I've already played:
-Okami (PS2)
-MGS 3 (PS2)
-Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
-Resident Evil 4 (GC and PS2)
So many of the other critically haled last gen games are covered, but I always love more ideas. It's so tough to mix these in as I'm grinding through Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Too Human, and even GTA IV!