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spyke412 Blog

Reason for my Absence

Just in case you haven't noticed, I haven't posted on any of your blogs for about a little over a week. And I'm really sorry. But, I do have a reason. It's a pretty bad one, but it's a reason. GTA IV. It's seriously been taking up most of my free-time lately because it just is that good. For those of you that don't know, GTA IV tells the story of an immigrant from eastern Europe, Niko Bellic, that comes to America in search of the elusive American dream. His cousin promises him of a mansion, women, you name it. Of course, that doesn't turn out too well and Niko becomes a sort of hired gun for various different criminals in a stunning environment of a digital New York City. I haven't finished the game yet, but so far the story is amazing, the characters memorable, the city lifelike, and the gameplay finely tuned. Needless to say, you should really get this game.

In other non-GTA-related news, Nine Inch Nails put out a new album on May 5th for free. It's really good and I suggest getting it considering it's 100% free.

Well, that's it I guess. See you guys around.

I'm Back

Yup, I just got back from Boston. It's really an amazing city, but they're all crazy about their Red Socks. So if you were wondering why I was ignoring your blogs this weekend, this should explain it :P

I recently got two games for the 360-

Call of Duty 4

and The Orange Box

I'm having an amazing time playing both.

I also made a new sig recently.

And that's about it. See you all around :)

5 Things You May Not Know About Me

As some of you might already know, there's a pretty cool game of tag going around. Users who get tagged make a blog post consisting of 5 things that people might not know about them, and then tag five more people.

Aww, here it goes:

1. My real name is Nick (which I mentioned in my last blog but I'm saying it again:P )

2. I'm an avid soccer fan.

3. I live in New York, but not the city, a suburb about 45 minutes away.

4. I have a huge, Italian family.

5. I'm allergic to cats and dogs, and about every living thing you could find growing outside, except for humans, which I hope you don't find growing outside. But I still play outdoor sports 3 quarters of the year and I'm quite good at some.

I tag Nintendevil, RHF123, rouge-ninja14, NK_Nighthawk, and DonteJax. I'm pretty sure you guys haven't been tagged yet.

Jump In

I finally did. My Xbox 360 Elite came in the mail yesterday. I was so excited :D It's been great so far. I was playing Halo 3 for a while today and it's a great game. I don't have Live yet, though, but I'm working on it.

The two purchases that I made today were

Halo 3

and Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Both incredible games in their own right. Brawl is everything I thought it would be, like Melee but with a ton of more content. It looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, and plays beautifully. The only blemish I could find so far is the online play. I don't know if it's just me but I've been getting a lot of lag. I've read multiple reviews that said online was virtually lag free, so it's probably the crazy amount of people trying to play online that's bringing the servers to their knees. I just got out of a game that lagged until the last ten seconds. It was practically unplayable. The only matches i've played without lag, however, were very enjoyable :)Hopefully when all the excitement dies down, and less people try to play online, it will be virtually lag free. Other than some bad online experiences, every thing is pretty much perfect.

Here's my friend code for Brawl:


I'll be playing under the name Nick, my real name. PM me if you add me.

So two excellent games, a new system, and my first blog post. Not too bad for one day.