The main focus here is that CPU speed means nothing. It has been recently revealed that the Wii U's CPU is a multi-core Broadway chip. It's clocked somewhere around 1.something and people are freaking out because the last gen consoles have a higher clock rate. What you need to realize is that CPUs get faster and more efficient when they decrease in die size and power. This chip is probably just a hair slower than XBOX 360's CPU. I know... I said slower. Don't pay any attention to that. The real factor here is the GPU. It's based off modern technology. It has newer shaders and it's built for GPGPU. It WILL be able to achieve better graphics than the current gen can even dream of, eventually. Then next gen XBOX and PS... whatever they want to call it, will likely be a similar setup. Don't expect an enormous leap in their graphics. They will almost definitely be better than Wii U, but not by much. We are approaching a wall in fidelity. We just can't afford to put enough power into these systems without a HUGE overhead.
squall_83's forum posts
Nintendo ID: Rufus83
So far I only have BLOPS2. I plan on getting more games when I get paid again.
I'm definitely having a lot of fun with this system. I am really enjoying how they've made all the system features (miiverse, web browser, eshop, friends list) accessible without having to close your game. When I saw them showing off Miiverse at E3 I honestly thought it was gonna be lame and gimmicky... boy was I wrong.
I'm sorry, If you can't see a a difference here then I can't help you.
I've never once felt my Vita warm up. JustPlainLucas
Me either. Once I pulled it out and felt how warm it was I almost freaked out.
It was blinking repeatedly without even a second between blinks. I did a bit of research and it's been happening to others. I definitely won't be putting it in it's case in sleep mode ever again.
I came home from work today and took my Vita out of it's case and it was really warm and the PS logo was flashing. I held down the power button and it shut off and rebooted fine, but It scared the crap out of me. Maybe it isn't such a good idea to keep it in sleep mode in it's case? I've been putting it in it's case like this every day since I got it last weekend and it only just did it today. Anyone else experience this issue?
PSN: rufus8383
I have Uncharted, Little Deviants, and Dynasty Warriors Next.
I plan on getting UMVC3 and Mortal Kombat after it comes out. I also want to get Wipeout, but alas, I am pretty broke now.
I have coupons for 50% off Valve game, 50% off Tom Clancy's HAWX 2, 50% off Oddworld Abe's Odyssey, 50% Nail'd, and 50% Fallout Collection.
I'm willing to trade these for anything, games or coal. MAKE OFFERS!! :)
I could have swore I read somewhere that they are planning to integrate this into a rerelease of black and white for the 3DS.
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