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To Fantasize or Not to Fantasize... That is the Question

So, here's my dilemma... I am very reluctant to start a new game this week because I have a paper due on Thursday.  My habits tell me that I probably won't start until later on Wednesday night anyway, so what's the point of stressing about it now?

The true dilemma is which game to begin.  I want to start playing Final Fantasy X, or X-2.  Finished X before, but not all of X-2.  I was distracted with another game when I was starting X-2, so I didn't get to finishing it.  MGS3: Snake Eater has been sneaking up on me, too, and Dante wants me to be there for his Awakening in DMC3...  I think I'm going to go with MGS, though, but that means I have to go back to the wired DualShock.  I was really getting used to the comfortable, wireless, amazing, excellent 360 controller.  Maybe I'll just play Splinter Cell or something...