What the next generation of war game needs is the ability to adapt and change as you progress. You should have the ability to have choices and career paths. The choices you make should affect your career path. An old game series Wing Commander is the only game the ever got close to this idea. You should earn more medal and additions to your uniform as you progress. It should be like the real military. Instead of just having a certain number of missions you have a lot of different missions and difficulty levels based on your performance and choices through out the game. It would almost be combining a RPG with a FPS. Theoretically you could play the game a hundred times and never end the same way because of your choices. If you fail a mission you should end up with a worse career path. If you over achieve in missions you should gain more responsibility and get command of more people. The game should be constantly changing as you would if you were really in the military. Don’t limit the game to a certain number of mission and dates as you progress through the war. In any given war there are thousands upon thousands of missions. You can use the same maps with different objectives to limit the amount of scenes needed. I understand what a major undertaking this would be, but there is no game on the market that has ever came close to this. My idea would be to make the game as close to being in the real military as possible. You should be offered transfers to different units or specialties in the game and as I said before these all come into account of where you end up when you retire. Expansion packs could include different wars and theater of operations. In my opinion this game would be the greatest ever created and you could never get tired of playing it because you would actually be achieving something every time you play. I hope you enjoy the idea.
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