[QUOTE="Blackbond"] You're joking right? FFVIII wasn't amazing but if there was one thing that redeemed it was its amazing story. How the heck was it the worst rival in the history of a video game story line? Hell Seifer and Squall are practically the only rivalry in Final Fantasy. The two had a geniune hatred for each other, were highly competitive and above all else had a different way of wanting to be the best. While Squall always went by the book and was serious Seifer was arrogant, cocky, and did as he saw fit.
I don't understand how a story involving SeeD, politics, business, traitors, and economics can be boring. They are all real trifels compared to the typical evil villain introducing themself in the begining and declaring a world take over only for the characters to work the whole game in an effort to stop them.
:lol: You actually thought Final Fantasy VIII's storyline was good? :lol: The pacing in the game was horrible. The game was filled with plot holes. Contradictions and flaws. The story was also filled with so many cliches it wasn't even funny. The game wasn't believable at all. A high school mercenary unit.Puttingan 18 year-old emointrovert in charge ofa mercenary unit. Instead of a older qualified battle experienced leader with charisma and intelligence. The cliched dance seen between Rinoa and Squallwith the falling stargoing off in the background. All the romantic cliches pilled into this one game. The ending of the game itself. Is the very definition of cliched.:lol: This isn't Final Fantasy this is complete B******t.
Seifer had the worst character motivation quite possibly ever. He wants to have romantic dreams of being with a sorceress and being her knight.) "Dreams" not reality. He was already seeing Rinoa.And he wants to have dreams.:lol: I can't believe how dumb this game actually is. :lol:He has the personality of a stereotypical frat boy. He thinks he can take on everyone. When he gets into trouble during an eventin the game. He completely wusses out. Going against his already poorly established characterization. And he follows the main villains'orders like a little b****.
It doesn't matter what elements they throw into a game if its not executed and developed well. Final Fantay 8 is also contains the Final Boss cliche. Near the later half of the game we find out about Ultimecia. An extremely bland flat and undeverloped character. And her motivations are from the same foundation of cliches as the other villains. Destroying the universe by compressing time, We are better off knowing who the boss is at the beginning of the game and recieving character development and back story than not having any character development and back storyat all.
Finally someone that I coudl agree with.
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