[ 1) Seems youre reading what you want to read and pass what my main point was from the start.
2) Ill say it for third time , i dont say Braid isnt good game. Never said that. All im saying is lemmings to stop all these topics about ownage or the ridiculous topics like BRAID >> MGS4 that ive seen so many the last week. If you actually are one of these lemmings , then the "immature" powned i said previous , goes for you too. If not i apologize to you too.
3) I said lemmings powned theirselfs , not gamers. Because a real gamer never will say BRAID >> ALL PS3 library. Because as i said before that means Braid >> Mass effect , NG2 etc etc ?? No way. Noone except fanboys would say that.
4) Im out of shape w mostly with fanboys and " I read what i want to read" guyz . Not with games or X360. Seems you dont know me enough , and you think me of a cow or sheep. Oh well..
5) Take a deep breath is my line here. Also , you said me i suk at puzzles,in a way, so i tried my best.
Now let it be , since i dont see why to continue this debate any longer. My opinion wont change to what ive said , even if im good at puzzles , even if you are full of sarcasm or whatever. So let it be.
No no, I understand completely.
However, not one person in this thread claimed Braid > MGS4...or anything for that matter.
It started out as a simple bit of news and went wildly off track with your very poorly aimed outburst.
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