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Guild info



What is our goal as a guild?


Mission Statement:

Our goal was, and still is, to make the best mid level guild around; one that would make it easy for lowbies to become something. But that isn't, and shouldn't be the reason to stay in this guild, or any other... Most important to all should be reaching the goal of becoming a 70. But at 60 things change, and that's when all the fun starts. Our teamwork will be important if we want to make it to 70 anytime soon.

If any of my blah blah blah "make it to 70 soon" blah blah blah, made any sense? Then I made my point, and that's the very reason why we made this guild. We all need to work together to reach that goal. Plus, meeting and making friends while doing it owns to me.


Well… that's cool and all, but I still don't get how ranking works? ………………………………………………………………...

The break down is this…

[Ancient of Days] Is the guild master

[The Amen] People I have gotten to know

(I can get to know more people) *wink wink*

[Seraph] Will be Clas,s leaders

(No one holds this rank at this time)

[Çherub] Will assist the officers above them

(No one holds this rank at this time)

[Angel of Winds] A Clas,s all there own, to accommodate those of the Wíñds

[Angel of Kins] A Clas,s all there own, to accommodate those of the Kïns

[Angel] Those higher than level 40 are made this type of angel

[Guardian] Those higher than level 30 are made this type of angel

[Messenger] Those higher than 20 are made this type of angel

[Sprite] All levels below 20


How, do I become a Çhërüb?


: Easy, just invite 4 people into the guild, 40+


Okay, now that I'm a Çhërüb, how do I become a Sëräph? (AKA Clas,s Leader) …………………………………………………………………………………..

: Invite 2 people into the guild, 50+

: Then explain to the guild why you deserve to help teach others how to play your Clas,s Note: (The Guild gets final say of your appointment.)


How do you keep track of those who I invited? …………………………………………………

You must send mail to The Åncient of Days

Stating who, and what level, he will keep track there after.


Once a Sëräph, always a Sëräph?


Not at all! If some one thinks they can do a better job than you. They have the right to challenge you for your position.

Shouldn't you have to prove that you're the best in yourClas,s

Prerequisite for the challenge:

You must be a Çhërüb Y

ou must have invited 2 people into the guild, 50+

You must be of the same Clas,s

You must pay 10 Gold to guild bank for the challenge

You must have 3 guild witnesses for result of the outcome


: You may only challenge once a month

: Guild fee doubles each consecutive challenged

With this arrangement it insures the best are leaders. Plus it shakes things up a bit. Have fun!!!

………………………………………………………………………………………… NOTE: These things are now active as of June 19th 2007, everything before this date has not applied.

NOTE: Change is possible and over time, probable. If there are any concern for how things are run, please whisper, or send mail to me personally.

Thank you

-Vain- Åncient of Days