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Nothing is impossible... Wait a minute!

Nothing is impossible is false statement. For one, impossible is, for a lack of better words not possible. Impossible is something that can't happen, but being impossible is making it possible to be impossible, which would be impossible. Now I just contradicted myself. I think I just created an infinite loop there, with a too literal meaning of the word. Anyways.

Now, nothing is impossible (try not to think too much on this, I'll use impossible liberally for this section). Nothing is pretty much, well nothing. But by being nothing, in effect it is something, which is nothing (the word not the meaning). So nothing is technically an oxymoron, since it would be impossible to be nothing, as nothing would in it self be something, which totally contradicts itself (just like the impossibility satement).

Now put these together and we have a massive paradox. "Nothing is Impossible". Which might be true, since nothing is impossible since it’s technically something, but by having the impossible statement, it's false. Since impossible is a possibility, which is a contradiction to it's self. Which would make nothing a possibility. But since nothing can’t truly exist, since it exists as something (which is it’s self) that would make the impossible part, yet again impossible. Impossible can’t possibly be impossible, since it’s already a possibility to be impossible, making it impossible in itself.

Now the loop continues, making "Nothing" a possibility, which in turn is impossible, which in turn makes "Impossible" not truly possible since itself is not possible, making "Nothing" yet again a possibility.

I think I just confused myself royally here. Damn paradoxes.