2800$ is not what it costs to build a good computer. Don't listen to that number at all... Of course unless you are using a service like alienware, In todays prices the cost for a decent system (no monitor keyboard etc..) is 800 *I built mine from that budget a full year ago, still maxing games). 1000$ from what I have priced together can also get you a lot and can end up helping in the long run (you can use the extra $$$ to get a bigger cpu, dual pci e 16 2.0 slot Mobo, etc...)IvanElk
I wouldnt recommend alienware to my worst enemy. I spit on that entire company.
But i did say 3 years at a good clip. No upgrades needed. After 3 years, just replace the video card, yer good for another 2-3 easily. Im also a bit more eccentric in my system building as well. I triple the memory, get the top of the line CPU, a mobo that WILL be able to be upgraded in 3 years, which means usually the SOB is like $300 just by itself since its usually one of the newest. I also stick with quality hardware. Corsair mem, asus mobo's. Intel cpu's, XFX video cards, Hitachi HDD's, etc. You also have to consider the size in video games, so you get a large capacity HDD. If yer a gamer you probably like music and movies as well, need lots of space if you get them from the net. Also the case is important, but tailored to each of our styles. I love my COSMOS S case, SOB is $300 still, but for complete ease of use for upgrading anything, even though its heavy as a mofo, its got basically roll bars which make great handles to move it and carry it around. Either way, i was running crysis at 54FPS at max resolution, and max graphics, when the game came out. Reviewers werent running it anything more than 60-65fps back then with better hardware on a 7k machine. Just as an example.
Regardless, for 2800 you wont have to upgrade a damned thing for atleast 3 years, course thats with the warranty. I bought my first system from a vendor 2 years ago, i used AVADIRECT. before then, i built everything since 1992 from buying the components about every 18 months to 2 years. It was costing me a lot more doing that, or upgrading pieces over the same amount of time.
But its a figure to look at regardless.
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