because Nobody asked here is my game collection, remember i had to sell a few systems and their games in order to buy newer ones... :(
First im going to show some games that i think are or will eventually become a rare find:
PSP "Gems"
PS2: my PS2 collection consists mostly of multiplats so.... yeah (i lent my copy of Metal gear 2 to a friend thats why i dont have a photo of it)
Gameboy/ Gameboy color and Gameboy Advance gems:
gameboy Colour "gems":
Gameboy "gems":
My 360 collection:
Well so far i have only bought high profile 360 games (yes that includes blue dragon) so heres all of my 360 collection:
my Original Xbox collection, since the 360 has Backwards compatibility i decided to search for some of its rarer games and so far i found Jet set radio future and Shenmue 2
PS1 "gems":
Famicom: This is the only game have left from my NES days
ppened to the others
Now on to a few of my PC rare finds:
D&D + Obsidian + Bioware Collection
im missing KOTOR 1 and 2, i also added dragonshard there, a strategy D&D game
My Tomb Raider Collection, i got all of them
Broken Sword collection (also known as circle of blood in the USA)
i have 1,2 and 4 im missing 3
homeworld Collection, its complete
My Lucas Arts adventure games collection im missing a whole lot of them, not even worth mentioning the ones im missing
gothic Collection, im missing the first and the expansion for the second one
Ground controll collection, its complete (the expansion came with the game)
Diablo collection, its complete
Deus Ex, its complete
My Blizzard strategy collection, im missing warcraft 1
Legacy of Kain collection im missing the original blood omen by silicon knights
Now comes the Underrated/ uknown games
from left to right: Sudeki (JRPG) unknown, Vampire the masquerade : Bloodlines (WRPG), uknown and underratedm Beyhond divinity (dungeon crawler) underrated and unknown all of them for the PC (sudeki has an xbox version)
From Left to right Arx Fatalis (PC, xbox) Wrpg, unknown and underrated ; Lionheart (PC) Wrpg, unknown and underrated, Septerra core (PC) Jrpg uknown and underrated
Ultima Ascencion, underrated
Startopia (strategy), uknown and underrated; Black and White 2 (strategy), underrated; Evil Genius (strategy) underrated and unknown; Sacrifice (strategy) unknown and underrated; Monsterville (strategy) unknown and underrated; Spellforce (strategy), uknown
And finally, my entire collection in Five pics:
PC collection:
More PC+ PS1+PSP+ PS2+ X360
Collectors edition games and stuff:
GB + GBC+ GBA (there are more games in the back but i couldt take a decent pic)
and finally my Gcom 2 for the PS2
hand helds: