so in 2 days i saw both movies, and i loved both of them. The dark knight is the best super hero movie ever made... PERIOD.
Then i saw Wall-E... and i gotta tell ya, in the future batman will be to the 21st century what the first superman movie was to the 20th century, a memorable movie that everyone loved
Wall-E on the other hand is right up there with movies like, 2001: A space Odyssey, Blade Runner, the Indiana Jones trilogy (yes i said trilogy), etc.
Let me put this in perspective: Given the chance between being paid to watch the dark knight or watching Wall-E and then being punched in the face consecutively by an angry russian sailor i'd go with the latter. It's THAT good...go watch it...... NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!
P.S. Yada yada yada new gamespot look sucks get over it