@Dominicobaggio I hate your avatar :/ I'm still mad over those bs calls from superbowl '06 Back on track, I believe that battlefield 3 was first to the punch, looks better than MW3, and has the less evil megacorp publishing it. I believe not just gamers, but people in general are getting very tired of CoD at this point, and are looking for something bigger and better, which I believe BF3 will provide. That's not to say MW3 won't sell well, because it will, but CoD is definitely reaching the end of it's reign, and BF3 is coming out just in time to take over.
I was thinking of buying a PS3, up until this happened. Now Sony will never get my money, not with that shoddy service. For shame. This is not how you treat your customers. This is not how you do business.
I'm sure this had already been said, but this is NOT another DS. Well, not exactly. Right now we don't know what it is, but it's been confirmed that it will be a whole new system and not simply another reboot. And even if it was just a reboot, the thumbstick, enhanced wireless, and longer battery life are major selling points to me, and I'd probably get one anyways.
stEElyDaN909's comments