That game was insane
In the first level, I meat this guy who looked like a French Hitler but sounded American. Not only that, but he was bald... crazy stuff....
2nd level, you start off riding a dinosaur thing... and then once you get to the end of the highway, you start climbing a wall in a spider-man-esque style.
Then once you reach the boss of stage 2, you find that he's beaten by some other guy who has green armor similar to yours. You ask who he is, he says call him "mystery g". You fight him, he says you're good and then leaves. Boss gets up, turns into a flower and fights you. The mystery about "Mystery G" is why did they put him in the game to begin with?
Once you get to the fourth stage, you're fighting in the air. But instead of having a vehicle, you're ontop a helicopter... running on the perpellers.... that's insane...
You then meat up with the fourth boss... a talking dog. He gets into a mechwarrior type of deal and your dude says "you wont get away". So you steal a torpedo, and start surfing on it. Chase him down and beat him... it makes no sense at all to play this messed up game...
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