@silversix_: They already confirmed it passed 20 million eons ago.
I like how people argue the semantics of "shipped vs sold" for Microsoft, yet when Sony only announces a vague number they assume it's ONLY sold numbers. Almost like you're biased or something.
This shouldn't shock anyone. Sony throws money at these devs, then people turn around and ask why Persona doesn't sell as well as Final Fantasy, and why Yakuza needs petitions to be localized.
If all of these devs want to avoid this, why don't they finish the game and hype it up a week or two before releasing it? Don't give Nintendo enough time to react. Put it on public trackers and let it spread through there.
@chiefwiggum16: It's "free to start". It's basically a demo you download that lets Nintendo/the devs boost the number of downloads for when they gloat about it (like now, for example). Still, the full game is $10. Hardly breaks the bank considering Tiger Electronic games I used to get as a kid were more, and far worse.
stage4saiyan's comments