I just read that Call of Duty: Black Ops just became the highest-earning game ever on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC in the US and Europe. I have one thing to say on that...Really?! I can't believe that a video game that sucks as bad as Black Ops sold as well as it did. I'm starting to think that it's a trend thing just like the iPod/iPhone. If you haven't already, look up iPhone vs Android on YouTube. Replace iPhone with Call of Duty and Battlefied with Android and it amounts to about the same thing. Battlefield: Bad Company 2could literally earn you $1 million a kill and people would still play COD over a better game. Why? Because people don't know what's good. They just play what they think is cool because other people are playing it too. Example: If the cool kid in school decided to play a game like Two Worlds, eveone else would play it too. Even though Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is obvioulsy so much better people would still play Two Worlds because they think it's cool. My point is, I think that the gaming industry is lacking real non-biased ratings and only focus on what the "cool kids" are playing. If people actually looked for what games are supposed to be about and not what they think is cool or neat, then we can get some honest unbiased game ratings that might shock some people and make them realize what games are really good and what games really aren't.
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