@cnx2022 @stan_boyd if you say so, guess only you are titled to your opinions, I guess my being happy for indie game development being more accessible is bad. now please don't bother wasting your time responding again, cause I really don't care what you say and you don't care what I say, I will continue to talk to other people as much as I like because its my right to do so but anything you say I will simply ignore.
@cnx2022 @stan_boyd @RatedSTARZ ah but your stance has been pretty clear in your previous posts, your stance based on what you have been posting is "praise sony, sony is awesome MS is not", are you even interested in the xbox, after all this article is about the xbox and indie games, or are you just here to hate on the xbox like the other sony fanboys. After all if you are not interested in the xbox and its indie games then shouldn't you do as you told me and go find somewhere with like minded individuals like a sony board.
@cnx2022 @stan_boyd @abbasreza @Dannystaples14 @innocent69 seems gamers don't know what they want though, they keep complaining about how the systems are basically nothing more that graphical updates, but whenever systems try and do something new they hate it. Look at all the hatred towards the wii and wii u.
@cnx2022 @stan_boyd @RatedSTARZ there is a reason that MS is removing these policies and its not because 12000 people are asking for online drm's and crap indie policies its because of lack of preorders cause the majority hated the old policies and 12000 is a small number. Preorders have gained a very big boost since they removed the online drm.
@cnx2022 @stan_boyd @RatedSTARZ soooooooooooooo people think its bad that indie devs can now make games without having the trouble of a third party backing them? And I too am not allowed an opinion, only the people who agree with you are? You sir are a hypocrite, I am stating my opinion and you are telling me everyone but me is allowed to, so before you try and berate me for being a "white knight" perhaps you should look at your own "white knight" attitude mr saviour
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