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Answering questions


After a long time of not being around here, I now will have the time to answer the questions that you all made:

Here we Go!!!!


How'd you choose your username?

My Gamespot username is my actual name: Stan Higareda

Silent Hill or Resident Evil?

I liked Silent Hill a lot more, I was never captive by Resident Evil

Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy?

Chris Redfield

Ernie Hudson or Rick Moranis?

Rick Moranis. I liked him in GhostBusters

Ghostbusters I or II?

The first one. Way better


Captian Kirk or captian Picard?

I am not really a Star Trek fan. But since I like Patrick Stewart more than Shatner, I would go with Piccard... I think...


If you were forced to watch any bad animated movie (2D animated), what would it be?

I can't say about a bad 2D animated movie that I didn't like. I can tell you a lot for 3D animated bad movies. Madagascar was terrible IMHO and there were a couple more so bad I didn't even remember its name.


Do you have any secret identity besides being the sombrero man?

Being the Sombrero Man is a full time job so... no :P


Co-op or competitive?

Co-Op - Less frustrating, funnier and people who cheat actually makes a benefit for you :P

Prefer to kill Nazi's, Terrorists, Aliens or Zambies! Speaking of which....

Whatever moves and screams BRAINSS!!!! is fun to kill

You ever gonna make a Zambie Annhi-LA-tion Squad?

Yeah, I think I will in a next blog


Steak or Pizza?

Pizza... you know it!

Xbox 360 or Nintendo NES ?

NES. Old School Forever :D

Contra or Castlevania?

Ugh. Tough One... Castlevania by an inch.

Black or Blue?


Football or Soccer?

Duh! Football!

Rock Band or GH?

Rock Band. Has more songs I like

Live or Dead?

Live... I think

Zombies or Terrorists?

Zombies... MORE BRAINS!!!

Jason or Freddy?

Freddy. Mind games rule!!!

DeNiro or Pacino?

You are kidding right? De Niro

Yes or No?



Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Star Wars. May the Force be With you!


Do you really think that, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make?

I really think that I am loved as much as I love, yeah :D


If you could travel to any planet in the solar system... which one and why?

Neptune. Because is far away and I like being alone sometimes. Plus such planet is chilling :P


Next game you will buy?

Borderlans and Brutal legend :D


Best Movie Ever?

Apocalypse Now by Francis For Coppola. A great movie.


What do you do for a living ?

Quality Field Engineer

What kinda car do you drive ?

I have a small car called Matiz from Pontiac

What's your favorite game types ? Racing, sports, shooters, ect ?

I like almost every kind except for Racing games... Shooters, RPG's and Sports might be my top 3

Is your girlfriend hot ?

Yes, my wife is hot :P


Who's your favourite actor/actress?

Robert DeNiro but as for today it might be Johnny Depp...

Thanks for your questions and see you later everyone!