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Game Planet Chronicles: Things you see and hear on a Video Game Store

I went today to the mall and took my time to do somethings. One of them was entering Game Planet: One of the three stores in my city. I like it because I know more people here, but unfortunately, no friends today. I decided to make a kind of journal about what I see and hear on the store. I got inspired by a comment I heard from some guys in there. I decided: Why not come here some days when there is nothing to do, and write a blog according to what I see and what I hear... and what I talk about. So here begins... THE GAME PLANET CHRONICLES.

So... here is the first one:

I basically went to get a game: GEARS OF WAR. I finally bought it and was able to play it after almost 6 months since the last time I play it. I felt it like a new game and tried to use some sort of cmbinations of Rainbow Six and Bioshock. I am going to need a LOT of time to learn how to play it properly. I really liked the game and now that I replay it, I am liking it even more. I think I may have problems getting other games, but is ok... I wont buy anything until next November.

Anyway, during my staying I found out that Assassin's Creed is almost available for pre-order. I will be first online to get that game. I am really looking forward to get my hands on it. If I had to choose between Mass Effect and this, I would go for ASSASSIN'S CREED with no questions.

Looking around I found out that the most expensive game for XBOX 360 is STRANGLEHOLD... :shock: At US curreny it is about $90 dollars or $999 pesos. After reading NeoJedi's review (I strongly recommend it) I decided not to even think about playing it. I might rent it.

One interesting thing that I overheard was a conversation betweentwo guys. I heard a comment. Which I like to share, because I found it funny:

GUY 1: (Grabs BioShock): Hey, look!

GUy 2: WHat is that? "BIoShock"

Guy 1: It is the game that is supposed to competewith Halo 3

Guy 2: (laughs) *Mexican expression which better translation would beĀ·": No s***

Guy 1: (Leaving the box) Yeah, I read it on a magazine.

BOth guys left. Stan was staring at them with pity.

I would like to know about the magazine that said that. "Bioshock competing against Halo 3" Can someone explain me how?

I would'nt cared so much if I didn't hear that it was from an official source. But... "Bioshock competing against Halo 3"

I love Bioshock, but that comment made me think about howmissinformation can affect perception. There is no way that Bioshock could be made to compete with Halo 3. FIrst, and maybe strongest point. NO ONLINE PLAYING!!!! You cannot compete with Halo if you don't have online gaming. That's ridiculous! How can a magazine say that???

Well, that was it. I paid for my brand new game and a new controller (I owe one to my brother) and got out of there, just thinking about that comment.

Thanks for reading. Please comment.

Regards :D