Yesterday was April's Fool. Hope you all had fun and didn't get too many jokes. We don't celebrate that here. We had our own "jokes Day" that comes until december. Anyway, that's not the main topic here.
Among the many jokes I saw around here, I got intoGABUex's Blog Entry. If you read it, you noticed how much he ranted about being "too mature and too old" for videogames. I must admit that the before realizing it was a joke it got me thinking for a while. It was not the rant about being "too old for games" I have lived with that for 10 years and you get used to it. It was the commenta about "feeling too old" I was wondering about if something like that happend to Lucas, who is one of the most hardcore gamers I've ever known, when and how would it happen to me.
Fortunately, everything was a joke, but I kept thinking about it anyway. When can we say that enough is enough. Basically, the gaming generation hasn't reach older ages. We are a young generation. Most of us started during the 80's, when gaming overwhelmed the entertainment stream. I have known gamers as old as 50 years and they enjoy them as much as when they started doing it, but will it be a moment when we will say "Not anymore, this is silly"?
I must admit that there has been times when I don't feel like playing anything. That happened just a couple of weeks ago. I played Marvel vs Capcom 3 and just like that, I quit gaming for 3 weeks. That's a lot of time for someone who calls itself "a game lover". But just like that as well, I started checking gaming sites for the games I wanted, hence a blog like my previous one. The point is that I have got a lot of moments like that recently, where I don't feel like grabbing a control. I can say that lack of time is a big factor. Being married makes things different in this particular event. But my love for videogames is there, and will be there forever, I hope.
Age has nothing to do. It is entertainment. It is like sports. We grow up cheering and supporting a particular team, and we can keep doing it all our life... So there is nothing wrong to be 70 years old and cheer for the Baltimore Ravens, right? (Sorry, General :lol: ). So why should it be wrong for video games then?
The main feeling is that as long as we keep doing what we like, there shouldn't be a problem taking a control. Maybe one day, games will suck... big time. And that's the day I will quit. Maybe if all systems become "Party systems Wii like" maybe that day I'll quit. But as long as my fingers can move and I can dodge whatever a big boss is throwing at me... I will keep playing... Because that is something I have marked in my whole being.
I am a gamer on my 30's, and the best is yet to come :lol:
What about you guys? Do you feel old? :P