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Mass Effect 3 is done...

... ANd what a ride it was.

I can consider now that Mass Effect is one of the greatest game series I have played ever. No question and no hesitation. All three games were "different" in a way. The first one was RPG based, the second one was a more action based and the third one got a good balance about it. It was a beautiful balance among the three,

ME3 got a lot of great moments and huge adventures that got you at the edge of your seat. I will try not to spoil a lot. ANd there are things that got me playing it non stop. First, and probably the most important, this is a game where you truly see how vulnerable is Shepard. He is not an almighty hero anymore. He can fail and regret himself about it. That's what made this game the epic conclusion that it deserved: He is the hero that sacrifices a lot for the greater good, no matter what is the outcome of everything.

ANother great feature is how most of the previous characters play a great role. I was a paragorn that saved the full crew of ME2, and it was nice to see at least a good part of them back. Some of them I think were forced too much to be part of the game... I can tell at least that I loved how Mordin, Amanda, Thane, Legion, Jack and Grunt from Mass Effect 2 played a great role in the game, and of course it is always good to see Garrus, Ash, Wrex and Tali back in great forms. (I sacrified Kaidan so... there). Jacob, Samara, Zaeed and Kasumi were not that "intense" but they weren't so wasted as you might think. So if you cared to built those characters on ME2 you will have the opportunity to establish a good relation with all your characters

You will watch some of them die (you can avoid it for some but, for others, unfortunatelly it has nothing to do with the previous games, it is just meant to be) and you really feel sad about them dying. And you can join Shepard in his mourn when it happens, and moving one.

The battle system is great. It has been polished from the previous game and it is a big challenge even in the normal setting. Everytime you fight enemies, you have to consider everything. Tactic is essential. Your comrades are still morons that cover in the top of a box and become easy targets but at least they don't die every time.

It was interesting to see that your "Romantic interest" is locked half of the game instead of prior to the final mission. That creates an interesting interaction for the rest of the game. I won't tell you who mine was but it is one of the extra features I liked the most.

Now, you might be wondering about the biggest asset about this game: How good was the ending? First I can tell you that it was an ending that I expected but really never wanted to happend because I loved these games. I was actually sad and nostalgic when the credits started to roll... No about the ENDING ITSELF I can tell you this: The ending was not extraordinary. BUt it was not THE WORST ENDING EVER. There is drama and there is acceptance for your destiny. I think it was a good ending, but could've been better. What was exactly what people expected? Another 30 or 40 minutes of conversation? Everyone crying about SHepard?


If Shepard dies, you died with him. You just can see that you saved your comrades, what they do, is not on your control and that's why there is no more to be done after that.


You want closure? You have that all over the game. Your friends telling you how much they appreciate you. (The scene with Garrus is so simple and typical that it is awesome).

THe game fulfilled my expectations and probably could have a better ending, but if you analize it, (Possibly something too hard for the common player who wants everything explained) it was the ending that was meant considering the faith of Shepard. I hope they don't change it, but at least complete it with their announced DLC.

That of course is my opinion.

For now, I would like to have someone to play the Co-OP since apparently no one likes to play with a NOOB in the quick MAtch option. If you want to play it, just hit me on the XBOX LIVE because I really would like to squeeze it more. I really don't want to end the experience... I might get some books and look for the Spin-off that are around.

That is all about me and MAss Effect... For now.