After playing a lot of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 I can say that it is a really good game. It will not stand as a great of all time, but it was good enough to keep me busy and entertained. The sensation of playing with so many great characters was really satisfying.
The game is worth to get by anyone who loves Marvel Universe. Probably that's the main reason why I liked it so much. Creating teams that you might see on the comics but barely happens is... quite intriguing.
Batman: Arkham Asylum is a much better game considerign both, but Marvel gives you some interesting aproaches that inspired me to write this new "My life with..." blog.
Even if Batman is my personal favorite comic book character, my approach to Marvel was bigger and wider than it was with DC, in the times where both of them were the biggest companies. I had such knowledge of what happened in the Marvel universe that I was considered a nerd... (Well, that actually keeps coming nowadays) I was never a comic buff, but my life approached me to the Universe of Marvel and it was difficult to keep losing track.
My first approach to Marvel Superheroes was very similar to Batman's: I watched all cartoons that many of you might remember. The first animations with Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and Namor hooked me to keep learning about the mighty superheroes.
It looked so cool back in the day!! :D
After these, some series kept coming... I saw new characters like The Fantastic Four and Spider Woman.
40 years and still awesome!!!
"She looks hot... considering is a 60's drawing... :lol: "
You can check them out in You Tube: If they had a cartoon, take for granted that I watched. But there was one character among all, with its respective series that caught me more than any other:
There was something interesting about Spiderman that got me and made him my favorite Marvel Character Ever (And it is still there). the animation on the series was lame, even for that time (I think), but Spiderman's charisma was difficult to ignore. The intro to the series was so awesome. Now, we in Mexico didn't know the original theme. We had our own. If you care, take a look at the link below and check out the spanish Intro for the series. You might notice that it is very different to the original theme which we ignored until the times of the internet.
Intro in Spanish to Spiderman 60's series
Even with my love for Spìderman I was never a comic buyer. I bought one or two comics occasionally, but never too frequently to say that I could become an expert. My knowledge was based on cartoons. Another series that got me even more interested in Marvel was this one:
It ruled!!! This was better since I was able to meet a lot of characters that I ignored that existed. You know, there was no internet and I was not frequently on the comic book store. I was aware of basic characters as mentioned before, but the two guys Spiderman's side were a mistery to me.
On these series I learned about Ice man and Starfire (Note: In Mexico, Ice Man was confused with Silver Surfer so that's how they called him in the series... :lol: ) members of:
I think you get the idea of who are these guys :lol:
The Xmen became a revolution back in my times. This particular group of heroes become more popular than the League of Justice and The Avengers.
The main reasons: There were a lot of social issues around them that called our attention. After this, I decided to learn more about these and the rest of the heroes around. But it was around 1992 and there was not internet and money was not an option to get too many comic books... What other option I had...
Marvel Trading Cards 1992!
This is by far, the only trading cards collection I owned and completed. I read them all and learned so much about many heroes, villains, origins and milestones. I am not pretty sure where is this collection but I was able to complete it. But once I needed money and I had to sell the limited edition holograms that it had... Bummer...
Marvel turned out to be a spectacular moment for my friends an me. I started reading more comics but never really got into that. I kept waiting for reruns of old cartoons.
There were many milestones that I witnessed like that fight between Marvel and DC where you had to vote for 5 battles to get the winner:
- Storm vs. Wonderwoman
- Hulk vs. Superman
- Wolverine vs. LOBO
- Superboy vs. Spiderman (WTF??)
- Batman vs. Captain America
I voted on all for Marvel except for one... guess which one :P...
ANother one was the origins of Gambit and Wolverine (Weapon X)... The Fatal Attraction Saga when Wolverine lost its adamantium and Maximum Carnage, where Carnage, a huge villain of Spiderman, makes a mayhem of New York.
Comics were part of my life and it kept regular. Years later, FOX brought back to our lives cartoons of our heroes, specially one for the X Men (Finally)... They were good shows and kept us busy for some time :D.
"Yeah! the 90's were awesome!!!"
Unfortunatelly, everything that has a beginning has an end. My passion for comics finished and I only watched carttons once in a while. There are only two other things that keep me interested about Comic Books characters: MOVIES AND VIDEOGAMES!!!
But that my friends... will be another part. Check out for the second part of this "Marvel Autobiography" I hope you enjoyed it. Second Part: Marvel in the Movies!!!