Gaming was good during these time since I blogged. But i have something to confess: I will never, ever tell you again that I will not buy anymore games. That's it... I just can't do it.
I have played some backlog games like Saint's Row: The Third which is a good game so far. I still don't think it is as great as many people says. It is fun and addictive but it is not MINDBLOWING good. Possibly as I advance, I will be more lucky and see what everyone is seeing about it.
I bought two games, but you can't blame me. When I got them, I got a couple of perks that will help me when I decide to buy more games. I already preordere Hitman: Absolution, Borderlands 2 and Madden 13. It's been a while since I got my last NFL game and since I am a Clavin Johnson fan, this was a no brainier.
the games I got are Max Payne 3 and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. I was going to cancel my pre-order for the second one but I realized I would lose some discount in a future shopping so I just got it and received this discount in a future game (Witcher 2, I see you), plus I am interested in the gameplay and co-op options. Overall I've heard mixed opinons about this game but I certainly hope that it is fun at least to play with others.
Max Payne 3 was an impulsive bought. One of the stores here in Mexico had it on 30% discount release offer. That was a first time ever for me on that store. I decided to take advantage of that promotion and get the game. Plus, I received another discount on any game I want for preorder. (In this case, Hitman was the game)
So there, my gaming catalog increassed with good games. I might get The Witcher in the near future and get preorders for Assassin's Creed 3.
On the other hand, I saw a trailer for this game "Sleeping dogs". It looked awesome as first impression. I am pretty sure that it will be an interesting Black Horse... I will keep an eye on them.
Man, I forgot about Darksiders 2 but since I have not finished the first one, I better calm down. I can guarantee I won't buy a game until July 30th... (that's when one of my discount coupons is over)
And DLC? I will get Harley Quinn's revenge on Batman: AC. Seems Wonderful.
So there, I think that's it. If you want to play some co-op on these or any other games please let me know. I will give you all more perception as soon as I get more acquinted with the game