If there is something I love as much as gaming, is reading and talking about gaming. Discussing about games I shall play is something I have done thanks to some social Network sites where I've had the chance to meet more gaming people from my own country.
Sometimes, you just have to listen to what people say. In this case, I would like to tala about a couple of good friends at Gamespot (One of those Social Network Sites :lol: ) I am talking about NeonNinja and JBul.
These two guys are what I might call, "fanboys" on their respective favorite games (right now). Neon kept talking about Vanquish as if it was the greatest shooter ever ( AS far as I remember, he wrote something similar on his blog) and JBul is the number one fan for Dead Space 2 and the recently released DLC which he spammed me about via message on the XBOXLIVE Message system (I am just freaking joking James :lol: ).
I trust these two guys. Their gaming taste is unique and I said, "hey, why not?" so I got the DLC for Dead Space 2 and I downloaded Vanquish's demo.
I must say that, again, people didn't dissapointed me.
VANQUISH is a great game. THis 20 minutes demos is so spectacular. Sometimes, I have seen games that over crowd with enemies with the hope to make the game "more interesting". Even if that is the case with Vanquish, the gameplay is leveled to the challenge. That "Power Slide" or whatever you may call it, is a very interesting feature. The game is well balanced and it seems like a good option. Bad news is that since the game wasn't as mainstream it will be very difficult to find over here. I will keep my eyes open just in case.
ANd then comes Dead Space 2 DLC which was properly named Severed. Just to let you know, it is a very good follow up for the game. Killing necromorphs never gets old :D
And well... I hope everyone can give me such as good recommendations as these two guys. :D
I rented Marvel vs Capcom 3... but that will be topic for the next blog.
See ya later!