I am really glad about this site. I havebeen enjoyinga lot of good company and great people. BUt there is one thing among all that really caught my attention. It is amazing how gaming can unite a lot of peple together. I am glad to say that I haver read a lot of great reviews, blogs, comments... everything. I have received good criticism and support from a lot of you guys. One thing that amazes even more: Some of you are 13 years old or even younge. It is amazing to see how younger and older people can be so connected through videogames. I know that this is not a specific case for games (Music can do it too), but I am glad I am finally part of something like that.
When I was a teacher, I had the opportunity to deal and talk with younger people, but obviously there was always that teacher image that couldn't let them be real on their thoughts. Now, I can understand how you think and how you feel through gaming. The ages are no border in the gaming world. And I am happy about. We may have different lifes and priorities, but we can have a good conversation between us.
And some of them are good conversations. Who said that VGs were unhealthy for development? I have found amazing blogs and reviews from people who have not finished junior school!!! I know people OLDER than me that are a bunch of .... well, you know... And even considering that I am from another country, it makes things more valuable.
It is interesting too how you can get your a++ kicked by a boy who can be your son. lol I remember playing RS:V with an eight year old... What a beating was that.
One rule I always told to many people: Never underestimate young people. Never believe you are better than them. Never relate completely maturity and age. You can get a lot of surprises. It will always be better to learn from them. They can always teach you.
For the young gamers, whoso love for the games can put us together with the old fashioned like me.
ANd thanks for being like that everyone. This is a great site.
ON another things. IRON MAIDEN will have a HUGE!!!!! tour. Check the site about it. They might come to Mexico AGAIN!!!