I never cared for games for long that lack any sort of story or potential insight to a creative thought. I like to see something that challenges the status quo like Super Columbine Massacre RPG did (Ironicly (when it comes to mainstream ways of thinking at least) it was more serious towards the issue then the movie based on it duck the carbine high massacre). Sandbox games that allow user creative content is great however I want to see more programmers use this as more of a story telling tool to implement their own ideals and vision relating to the Earth and it's inhabitants.
How about making some about hot issues like "Super columbine massacre RPG" or how bout a game directly related to 9/11? some day perhaps but right now people seem to have a hard time picturing something other then a generic halo like gameplay around the topic which is dissapointing considering one could easily get a movie, book or comic made about them.
lets end the debate right now. Through out recent history there was a time when comics were not considered art but fowl currupting influences. Movies were once thought of the same too during the silent era and early talkies; when we know they are both collaborated expressions of feelings, views, and experiences... and so are video games, you can hold many games higher then certain books, movies and music any day.
starcutter20000's comments