itgives me an error message, it was in german for some reason and i menaged to tranlate it to english: the page-file is deactivated or the dateigr??e is not enough in order to work, this needs file of at least 2gb please plays them/her/it system a page configuration adjusts before this plays again is started
It seems everyone is deved on this. ONe side people are saying our video games are getting too cinematic and story driven while others want just that. I'm all about story along with good gameplay so for a game like GTA I get bored with it because to little happens for doing allot of missions, while Half-Life 2 has great gameplay while giving you a feel that something epic is unfolding right before you. All the other simple pointless games like Serious Sam or just party games bore me in less then an hour. It is getting close to the point where calling these "video games" is like calling movies "books on screen" (as one person put it).
So the question is would you rather see simple straightforward games like the Wii, freeware and Xbox live is dishing out or would you rather see it evolve to more interactivity while bringing fortha great and memorable story.
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