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Wanting to become more involved.

I sorta want to be more involved at Gamespot. Write more reviews, rate more games, ect. But I feel that it is a futile attempt, because I know a whole lot of people don't check out my profile, and chances are, don't care. They only check it out to see what "I'm about"

But I realize if I want to review more games I can either do:

A. Review games that I wanted to play, and talk about what I liked, and disliked about it. This way makes the most sense.


B. Rent random games, play them, and review them, so I would have a more unbiased (I try to be as unbiased as possible reviewing in the first place) view, since I did not know anything about it via Gamespot, and went according to the info on the back. That approach would cost money, maybe rent one game a month for a monthly review no one will read? Not sure.

But I will try to break out my old PS2 and play the games I have there, and review them. (If they are logical, I have dark cloud and some old Yu-gi-oh game [lame, I know I was once a kid] but they are too involved and I don't feel like replaying those again.) But like Here comes the pain, God of War, ect.

It'll be a fun experience.