Well the irony of this is My science teacher put this up online. :P We were doing a project and this was his home page. Note: I didn't write this just copied. :D I thought it was interesting.
Keys to Success
Chapter 1: Cheating with an Ipod or other Audio Device
- Gather your notes and testing materials.
- Use recording software on your computer such as sound recorder or Goldwave.
- Get a computer microphone and start recording your notes on to the computer. This method works best with vocabulary words. For best results leave a few seconds pause in between each word, so when you are taking the test you can pause your Ipod and find the question and write down the answer.
- Once you are done recording all the material, save the file and .mp3 or .wav file.
- Then it's as simple as adding a new song to your ipod. Import the sound file into itunes and sync it to your ipod. Make sure that you name the artist and song name as one of your favorite bands so you can remember where you put it and if a teacher walks by they won't see "Vocabulary Words" and they will just think you are listening to music.
Ipod cheating via notepad
- Type all your material into notepad or notebook on your desktop.
- Plug in your ipod in the computer via USB
- When the window appears with the folders for Notes, Calendar, Photos, take the saved .txt notebook file and drag and drop it into the notes folder.
- When you disconnect your ipod you should be able to go to extras and see all your notes
- This way is not as effective because you have to constantly be looking at your ipod and will kill your battery faster due the fact you'll probably need the backlight on.
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