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Cheating with an I-Pod

Well the irony of this is My science teacher put this up online. :P We were doing a project and this was his home page. Note: I didn't write this just copied. :D I thought it was interesting.

Keys to Success

Chapter 1: Cheating with an Ipod or other Audio Device


  1. Gather your notes and testing materials.
  2. Use recording software on your computer such as sound recorder or Goldwave.
  3. Get a computer microphone and start recording your notes on to the computer. This method works best with vocabulary words. For best results leave a few seconds pause in between each word, so when you are taking the test you can pause your Ipod and find the question and write down the answer.
  4. Once you are done recording all the material, save the file and .mp3 or .wav file.
  5. Then it's as simple as adding a new song to your ipod. Import the sound file into itunes and sync it to your ipod. Make sure that you name the artist and song name as one of your favorite bands so you can remember where you put it and if a teacher walks by they won't see "Vocabulary Words" and they will just think you are listening to music.


Ipod cheating via notepad

  1. Type all your material into notepad or notebook on your desktop.
  2. Plug in your ipod in the computer via USB
  3. When the window appears with the folders for Notes, Calendar, Photos, take the saved .txt notebook file and drag and drop it into the notes folder.
  4. When you disconnect your ipod you should be able to go to extras and see all your notes
  5. This way is not as effective because you have to constantly be looking at your ipod and will kill your battery faster due the fact you'll probably need the backlight on.


Well, in art class we were making pots. My pot was not very good. :oops:It was the last day tp work on them. (Before we started carving) so I hurried to get my stuff after I got my pot. I was going to get water and I tripped on my backpack. The good thing is I caught my self by holding onto the table. The bad thins is I squashed my pot. :shock: :cry: My friends say I gave of this really funny face like I was going to cry and laugh at the same time. My pot never did look very good... I'm not gonna get a good grade on this project. Gosh, I'm clumsy which makes gym a horror. Which is a completely different story. At least I have a mortal enemy now. My backpack :twisted::P.


Well at school my lockers really messed up and won't close all the way. (It's partially my fault.) But one day me and my friend discovered that the bottom was bent a little. I tries to fix it but of course it wouldn't budge. Then she said "you cant bend metal" and I said "but Toph can." My freind said that when I said that I had the most serious look on my face that she'd ever seen. (I'm hardly ever serious.) I should get it fixed. Maby Toph will help. :D

Maceys Day Parade

There should be an Avatar float. That would be so awesome! Avatars more popular then lots of the shows on the parade. (Like Pokemon) If nick has a spongebob balloon it can have Avatar too! It would be so awesome. Anyone else want to see an Avatar Balloon?

Wild animals in the house

Well I am seriously just being random. Have any of you people ever had wild animals in your house? We've had two. The first a bird that seceded to hop into our basement. But we managed to get it out rather quickly. (Before our cat got it.) The second was a wild gray cat. It succeeded to fight with our cat (on my rug) and hide in about one minute. It was their all night!!! We managed to get it out in the morning because it got out of hiding and pawed at the window. We chased it out. I wonder what will be next. We have a skunk, woodchuck, racoon, deer fox, turkeys ex ex... We're not living in the country or anything like that. We live in a pretty large town. Where do all the animals come from?

Did any one notice.

Well some of my Friends decided to go see Happy Feet and asked me to go. I went too and we ended up with a group of 14 people going to see happy feet. (This is besides the point but I feel Like rambling) Our group was insane. We laughed at the sad parts and "awed" at the funny parts. I noticed in one part one of the characters called another one "Twinkle Toes". They copied Avatar!!!!! The movie was pretty good but I still think "Ice Age" tops the computer animated comedy genre. Well my rambling ends here.

Whatever I feel like talkin about

I have no idea what to say. Well... I will start with quotes by me and my friends. I guess I will try to do one a day. And random funny things that happened.

11-16-06: "Bad things happen to Freshmen that throw cheese"dun dun dun. Today in Social Studies we ditched the class and turned off the lights when one of the girls went to the bathroom. It was the teachers idea! And when she came back she had no idea where we were. lol

11-17 "I have something to say"

"I know your secretly bald."-me

"What?!?!?" Another thing about social studies. (My teacher is crazy) We did not do any thing today because of an Ohio State game. He had Ohio state flags all around the room!