well i wanna play aion online , but wondering will it be available in india or can indian player be able to play english version of aion which come out on 22 sept
startrizerg's forum posts
not really destructive ^^ i guess rate 3.5
this yr could give 1.5 , last yr proberly 7 , in 2007 proberly 1.0 ^^ . 2006 proberly 2.0 , 2005 proberly 2.5 , 2004 proberly 4.0 , 2003 proberly 5.0 , 2002 proberly 6.5/10 , 2001 proberly 7.8 , 2000 proberly 8/10 ^^ ,1999 ,98 proberly 6/10 , 1997 proberly 5/10 , before 1997 - year i guess 1.5/10
if i m depressed and chance of dieing r freakin high maybe sacrifice for them if i know them ^^ " wont say sacrifice for this but more on sucidal note "
if its any normal day no way i could sacrifice or even think about it " not selfish but not heroic either " .
prince of persia
warcraft 3 , always wanted them to make a movie of it like lotr has theres
advent rising
my parents r hindu , and i dont belive in fairy tale word " god " , and suppose if they ever get " say evidence " god like figure exist in the world ,even then i wont give a dam about it , let alone following some religion or praying to god for something or just praying Y_Y
1. starcraft : broodwars , and orignal
2. warcraft tft , and roc and all dota maps :)
3. warlord battlecry 1,2,3 and three kingdom 2 : clash of dynasty
4. command and conquer : tiberium wars / c&c : gernals and zero hours
5. age of mythlogy and it's expansion
6. age of empire , rise of nation and lord of the ring : war of the ring .
7 heroes of annilated empire
8. warhammer 4k whole series .
9. lotr : battle for middle earth 1,2
10. armies of exigo and settlers : heritage of king
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