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10 Most Influential Games: No. 10 - Assassin's Creed(PS3, X-Box 360)

There will be two games that I will put on my list that are from the current gen consoles, Assassin's Creed is one of those games. When this game came out in 2007, people; reviewers; and critics were talking about Assassin's Creed being a game that people will still talk about five years from now, or at least until the next one comes out later this year, lol. But the reason this game is so influential is because it touches so many of society's aspects in life. They include religion, politics, morality, and other aspects of society that probably don't belong in video games. Assassin's Creed does that, and it does it in a way that is unique and nostalgic. Sure, it takes place during the Crusades, but it's direct message is for the people of today. The gameplay itself is also unique in its own way, in that it uses mainly stealth as the main weapon. This isn't a game that requires you to go on a rampage and hurt innocent people. You're an assassin, not Niko Bellic; but this makes the game all the more fun because it makes you feel like a cheetah that is hunting its prey, even though it can be frustrating at times. The game does have its flaws, like the fact that it is completely repetitive and that some people in the cities should just shut up, because they keep on saying the same thing over and over. The game's story is also confusing, but if you see yourself stunned with confusion after you finish it, just read the plot in Wikipedia and it will tell you everything. If you still feel stumped, just wait for the release of Assassin's Creed Revelations in November. Ubisoft claims that this will be the first game in the series that will give players more answers to their questions rather than leaving them with more questions than they started with. All of that still doesn't take away from the fact that Assassin's Creed is truly an epic game that originally set the bar for the franchise as we know it today.