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A blog from another blog

I hate myspace; I wanted to come out with it. I did however write one blog I wanted before I deleted my account so this is it. My rant and ponders about stuff.


If you know me, or have been around me when I'm on the computer. I have a striking attraction to random, obscure, and often puzzling videos. However, I always am up to date on the newest info and rumors of video game and computer stuff. On that note, I was surfing for some new videos, specifically one showing the Nintendo's revolution controller. As some of you know, it bears a striking resemblance to a remote control for a television, which is held in one hand. This is very cool and unique; however, a fan mock-up of what it could look like caught my eye. It was a system that had a detachable wireless visor that would track head movement and eye movement and simulate a screen. This is very unrealistic and the way is says it can connect to a TV, but shows an image projected on the visor is contradictory, also if it only head and eye movement, you would have to constantly moving your eyes and head. But one thing that I have thought about and is really essential to complete virtual reality, Movement. The video simply shows a character stepping forward and it works, it shows no continuing motion. You can't go walking forward you would run out of room. And you can't turn because then you wouldn't be facing the TV. Then I thought several years ago, maybe it would like a treadmill, but you would lack side stepping, strafing, and backpedaling. But having compared it to the current fps games on the computer, you don't press a key for every foot. You simply push w and you go forward until you stop. Well If a DDR mat that was fully realized with a sensor on the diagonal you would step forward and back and side step. This seems to me to be the best answer. If you want you can check out the video. It's pretty cool. Also, on a side note, I am moving so the day we move out is today. This was very boring because they moved in the morning and so when I got home, my house was empty. I was with my friend so we decided to prank call some people, but that got old. My whole family was gone and so was my dog so I couldn't play with him, but I did have my bird. So we took out the bird and I fell a sleep in my empty house with a bird. And now I am at my friend's house sleeping over.


That was it unimpressed, I was too. But what ever. Two posts in like five minutes awesome. Peace.