GS USERNAME:statzer75
360 GAMERTAG:Notalntsuprstar
REGION:united states/VA
SWEARING LEVEL:Very low to none
USE HEADSET:with friends or cool people
statzer75's forum posts
Mine keeps freezing on legacy mode, april 10th 2026 to be exact. I have tried two different copies and they both freeze in the same spot.
Any one else getting really tired of players quitting out of ranked matches just before you submit/ko them so it won't affect their stats. THQ really needs to do something about this because I am about to have a anurism. I have won 5 matches now that didn't count because the punks quit at the last second.
I love L.O. and I also agree with the summons aspect as well. I work part time at GameStop and have recommended L.O. to many a customer.An amazing game if you ask me.
I have waited on this game for four years, and it is everything that I had hoped for. I am tired of people slamming it for the difficulty.
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