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Today's Caption And I Think I'm Depressed...

...Because... I don't know. I've been depressed once before, and it feels vaguely like it (I'm counting on the vaugely to mean that I'm not...).


I dyed my hair today. "Natural Medium Ash Brown", I think it's called. To get the red pigments out from my previous colour (purple). In a week I'll be dying the ends bright red. Yay.


Caption pic.


BEWARE! I am the evil floating head! FEAR ME!

(Note: I am actually quite enthusiastic about the pic. I hate how typing can't show this. It's short because it's late, I'm tired and I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP! But I can't. Insomnia strikes again! The picture is actually of something I made - it was supposed to be Susan from Narnia, and actually looked like her... Before I painted it, after which it looked like Edmund, sorta, in RL, and gave me the creeps so I threw it in the bin. Go figure.)