Hey there i havent wrote in my blog for a while but i thought i would write about a thought that popped into my head about 10 seconds before i started writing this.
Will Nintendo have a spaceworld type of event this year? I think it would be a very good idea for Nintendo to show more people new games, or tell a release date and price maybe? Because they had a event specifically for the DS when that was coming out so it seems only right for Nintendo to do a event showing off the Wii using final hardware and stuff and reveal some details before its release.
But yeah i just thought i would write that because from the intial blog idea im kinda thinking that if they do announce a event specifically for the Wii, I guarantee they will tell everyone the release and price and everthing about the Wii. You heard it here first people. But does anyone else think it would be a good chance for Nintendo to reveal information? Or was this type of of event a certainty in your minds that it was going to happen anyway? Comments always appreciated :).
Oh and before i go, I was playing table tennis yesterday trying to win the first part of the pro circuit to realise I was in for a very annoying and frusrating time. Jesper kept hittin shots at me in every direction sending me running left to right :evil:, with the force of a elephant on speed, and i had nothing to do against him but try and scrape some points or make that punk run for the ball! But i finally defeated him today :). But now i am putting a price on his head for anyone who knows the anger i suffered i will give them £50,000 (Money will never be payed due to reasons i cannot explain) to hurt, I mean HURT Jesper with the hardest shot you could ever do with a ping pong ball. Lets see him make random grunting noices when a ping pong ball is impedded into his face!
Soz about the rant but god that dude is annoying!!!!
Cya laters people.