Now i know people will have already read this remark that Phil Harrison made but i will post the worst line or sentence of all.
"We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other [home] computer functions," said Harrison. "The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC."
This is the quote to end all quotes of stupidity! Now I use a PC to view websites and create Word documents for college work and so on. But how the hell can a PS3 make a PC not even needed? Exactly it doesn't, its a ludicrous remark that will go down in the histroy books as being a very stupid thing to say. Right now if Sony is such an amazing company why cant they concentrate on making a great games console?
You know why Phil shouldn't have said said it will make a PC seem obselite or not needed or whatever? Because they are two different things. A game console plays games and maybe the odd DVD but "the" feature is the games, but i dont want to have a folder called saves where i have to move the analouge stick onto the folder and press the x button to view the space on my PS3 HDD lol. I dont want to make Word documents on my PS3. Why cant Sony see that people want to play new and exciting games and have good game related services and features for the PS3. Not PC related features because there not neccesary.
The term game console seems pretty self explanitory, a game console plays games and should be known and used to play games and do it well. A PC has multiple uses and things like searching the Web and creating documents or whatever features are suited to a PC. Why try and combine the two? Its so stupid.
It seems now that more and more people are getting annoyed and irratated with each and every statement Phil Harrison makes. I know I am and that is because hes trying to create hype but he doesn't know who he is creating hype for anymore and is trying to create a PC/games console but people want a game console so why say it will make PC's obselite? Its stupid . So I will say this, Phil Harrison the audience you are trying to create hype for people who play games. Did you hear that? Games! I will use my PC to do tons of stuff, but i dont want to use a PS3 for PC like features. And no the PS3 will not make me not need a PC, it will not change my use for my PC at all but your comments are making me not want your PC i mean PS3 anymore.
Send the right message to the audience you should be appeasing and that's people who play games.They want things thats going to make playing games on your system better, making a PC plus game console isn't what people want. So if the PS3 doesn't have great game related features whats the point of even calling it a games console?
So there you go, a little rant i suppose you can say but i hope you enjoyed reading my little rant about Phil harrison's comment, There was a comment made on the news story itself too, but i still had more to say so i thought i would make a blog :). Thanks for reading.