Looking for 1v1 battle in about 15-20 minutes. If anyone is down, put your name and # up and I'll add you and look for you.
I don't use ubers, and don't really care if you do, but mypokes are EV trained. If you don't know what that means (like the last few kids I've played) you may get the crap kicked out of you. Just wanted to let you know.
ill play you :P jk. you did kick the crap out of me.
ill play you now if you want my friend code is 2277 4018 4079
hey i need help badly, i need someone to help me by trading me a pokemon that has a move which will put apokemon to sleep for me, i am tring to catch th last legendary pokemon but he keeps fleeing so i want to put it to sleep if anyone can help it would be appreciated :D
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