- StealthyMerc’s Activity
Damn I'm getting old.... Anyways, Sony needs to buy Remedy Entertainment. Alan Wake 2 the new Silent Hill/Resident Evil, great way to secure the best horror to come.
Just rehire her, admit you were wrong Disney, please the fans. At the end of the day, the customer is always right, even if they were wrong.
I am down like DLO brown.
I cannot wait! This will be amazing! I was a little disappointed to not see the announcement of Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake. I really hope this is in development for next year.
@scott_willy: They are splitting 1 season into 2 years just to extend it.
The King has spoken.
@muddrox:The real gamers statement wasn't aimed towards you (or even Kallie). A lot of journalists just play the victim card to get attention, likes, views, bring in more people to support their busin...
@triplebullet: No you're not allowed to disagree. I will now continue to shove goty awards to Half life Alyx. Congratulations to HLA for winning best story. And the winner for best audio... HLA. A...
@triplebullet: Then I guess you fall into agreement with the rest of the journalists who for some reason love to push this game as the goty. I played it, terrible writting, terrible pacing, terrible s...
@muddrox: I said she can have an opinion sure but when writing what is supposed to be a professional review, you need to cover all bases of the game you are reviewing. The way she commented about craf...
@muddrox: bullied? People disagreeing with a review is bullying now? Maybe it's that she doesn't do good reviews maybe that is the problem.
@muddrox: It was a joke man lighten up. Of course she is allowed her opinion, she gets paid for it lol.
@muddrox: I was definitely joking, but anyway Days Gone is a great game. The devs are known for the Syphon Filter franchise.
100,000% I never liked VR and was a hater of it! When I played it, definitely would pick it as the best game of 2020.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWub_F_taxY
Lmao the same lady that gave days gone a 5/10 because a white male checked out his wifes booty.
@briguyb13: lol you went towards my choice of avatar that I chose before Uncharted 4 even came out. If anything its my least favorite in the series and I have not been on here as much to care to chang...
@Stevo_the_gamer: Bad by the reviewer not having common sense. By the measure of inserting her own political stances/thoughts that are irrelevant to the game in motion. The review in particular is t...
@Stevo_the_gamer: Well once again it's a bad review. The Last of Us has always been a violent game, games in general have violence. Also, collectibles is not something worthy of a con. The game is ab...
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