steeve19nacho's forum posts
And yea I do agree that PSN is a good deal, how can you complain about free right? And I am 360 all the way, but I agree PSN being free is a pretty sweet value, no matter what it includes and Whatever features are available it's a good deal. I'm pretty content though that $50 a year isn't bad.
Alright I don't post much on here, but I listen enough to everyone else. Everyone is saying that xbox live is a rip off at $50 a year and are complaining. That's less then 5 dollars a month to play online obviously and not even comparing PSN or Wii $5 a month to play great games online isn't alot, and I'm a poor college student living paycheck to paycheck. If I think it's great PSN is free, if I had a PS3 I think it's a great value, but $5 a month is hardly a dent on my Beer tab. And stop asking for a refund when it does't work like 3 times a year, it happens, nothing is perfect. Something is wrong if you buy a $350 console $60 dollar games and can't shell out $5 a month to play online, bring back empties Once a month and there is the fee.
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