stefanel2's forum posts
You Need To Reinstall Your Windows... Maybe You Reinstall Something That Affect The System..sqarkeasy to say hard to do...... i got no cd for that and i dont know if its too good to trust pirated versions.... so ya not an option...
Actually there is no problem with your rig.I've seen people playing Mw2 with much worse specs.I assume this to be a software problem. Did you do a virus scan?You may consider one if not. From what you said it seems everything worked fine until an update received while online or at the worst case,a virus infection may be hampering your Pc's fuctionality.Serioussamikyes i did that and it cleaned them but still... same problem....*no the virus was not in windows or w/e were some files in a program infected and that program works fine..*
all those games worked good before this week wich idk what happenedGoogle "Can you run it"
And check if you PC can handle those games.
i alrdy did a restore....and still nothing same error (*game* does not respond w/e) also i did not instal or uninstal anything this week..... except mw2 wich was after first game not working so.. its not it... and i did not uninstal anything...i like to keep many things in any case.....You didn't do what 1LoneHawk said. Obviously if they worked a week ago and now don't something has changed on your computer. Either by you or someone else. It's software and does not have a mind of it's own and just decide to quit working one day. if no one else has touched your computer then YOU must have changed something. Installed something, De-installed something, Changed a driver or may have even had a small hardware issue recently that you think you fixed. Try using system restore and go back to a point when they worked if you can not think of anything else you might have changed.
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