@Sky_Stifler @stefip That's why many of them leave this big companies and start theirs. The worst thing is when developers get fed up from games. Remember the two guys who left Bioware earlier this year? Started making beer? Can you imagine what was EA doing to them when they pretty much started hating games.
Yeah definitely many games today constantly repeat tutorials. I think that many producers today don't understand the point of tutorials. I mean I don't like it when there is no tutorial in the game. But games that constantly remind you this is it, this is that for hundreds of times it becomes stale. For good tutorial it is enough to tell you once how to do stuff and that's it afterwards you are free to do as you please and it's all up to you.
Currently I am playing Warcraft III Reign of Chaos Campaign. The game only tells you in the begging of the mission, this is the new unit it can do this and that's it. What are it's strengths, weakness or tactics? It's up to you to discover that. How to beat a mission? It's up to you, the game doesn't inform like "There is a gap here, or you can come from the back here" or something like that. Everything is up to you.
Another nice episode Danny, really like watching your videos. AC really did start so good. AC 1 still remains the best for me. Although the gameplay really was quite shallow, the game had something special in it. I don't know how to explain... somehow the setting, the story, Altair who was pretty cool for me, amazing graphics it all came together to create something special. AC 2 also had this felling, but only partially somehow. After him the franchise became less interesting, although Brotherhood was the best gameplay-wise.
For me AC game have always been pretty solid. They never were very bad or broken and neither were they exceptional. I don't have a problem that the games now come out each year. The problem for me is the story itself. It began so interestingly back in the first AC. And then... just more questions, switching characters and eras, but never a true progression in the story except in the several spots. As for AC4 it doesn't draw my attention. For me there are far better games that will come out soon enough. So I will pass it at least for now.
And... yeah the problem has also being the combat system. The animations look cool, but the combat is just pressing button and kill everything. And Ubisoft stubbornly sticks to the same system. It would be better if they would implement the system from Prince of Persia, at least. And stealth is pretty much non-existent.
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