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stellar_gurl Blog

Lost: Season 2

Season two airs on Wednesday September 21, 2005. I can't wait to find out what happens to those survivors of the boat wreck, that are now caught at sea with nothing. And what will happen to Walt as he was abducted by the other men at sea. Meanwhile, back on the island Jack and Locke enter the hatch to see what has been hidden there this whole time. And about "the others" on the island, what are they? Jusdging by the wounds they make and the way they that fog poured out of the hole when it tried to kill Locke, I think it's some sort of spirit maybe. Who knows, only time will tell, or will it?

Black Hawk Down ~ The Video Game

One of the best war fils to date has become and mmo. It can have up to 50 players on x-box live, and 32 for the ps2. Plus 16 levels of single player missions for those of you who enjoy accomplishing everything on their own. Although the graphics i've seen so far on the still shots have been semi-depressing, i'm on the look-out for video footage of in game play. Let me know if you can find any. Thanx        8)

The Simpsons

Do the Simpsons have ANY good video games out there, or do they all involve racing around in car damnit? Homer should have a game where he's an action hero, that would be awesome. And he'd have some CrAzY super powers!

Password Scams

I used to be a level 46 with full addy armour and tons of cash, but someone scammed me to get my password and then changed it on me. I haven't been able to get back on my profile since. NeVeR GiVe YoUr PaSsWoRd OnLiNe!! :cry: