Let me know if you still need one as I have one I won't be using.
stellarshow's forum posts
I shot at the guys feet, then his two buddies showed up shooting at me, I killed them and finished the mission, no problems.
Has not happened to me but what if you die, do you respawn with it? Has to be annoying if you answer yes.
There are about four weapons per type, so 4 smgs, 4 assault weapons, etc. There are also special weapons like shotguns, bigger knife, etc.
The attachments include things like larger magizines, scopes, and paint.
There is a good feel to the weapons as they do recoil unless you buy the perk to help alleviate this. They are not overly powerful to start as you get the poorer types of each class but once you earn some money you can upgrade to better assault weapon for instance, add attachments and it feels much more powerful.
I'm hesitating to buy this game. Although I loved Far Cry 2 despite ALL of its shortcomings (yes, ALL, including the guards that respawned every 5 minutes in checkpoints), I feel Far Cry 3 is too different. From what I've seen in gameplay videos and trailers, I dislike FC 3's island-jungle setting. It feels like a downgrade from Far Cry 2's empty albeit varied african landscapes. The setting is what bothers me the most. Other than that, I would like to ask some questions.
How much weapon variety does this game has? How deep is the customization system for this game?
Is the crafting system any good? Does it become useless at some point?
In comparison to Far Cry 2's map, how is Far Cry 3's map? Smaller? Bigger?
Is there more variety in vehicles this time? Boats? Cars?
Are weapons still prone to decay and jamming after time, like in Far Cry 2?
How much is there to do in this game? Are side missions worth it, or just repetitive?
I would really like to have these questions answered. Please, be honest. Thank you for your time.
I find it very similar to FC2 but with improvements such as taking over enemy bases and then being able to fast travel to them.
To answer your questions;
Lots of weapons to use and customize, I have not even tried half of them yet.
I like the crafting system. You need to hunt down specific plants and animals to craft medicine, bigger holsters to carry more weapons, bigger pouches to carry more grenades etc.
I have only got through half the map so far but it is huge. Don't think you could complain about its size.
I think there are only 13 ways to travel, be it car, boat etc. Much the same types as in FC2.
Weapons can be used and do not wear out...this I liked in FC2 as it made things interesting in a big battle with the enemy...would have liked for them to leave this.
Lots to do...story missions, collecting plants and animals, looking for the 3 types of collectables, freeing bases, opening up radio towers, side missions like delivering supplies, hunting outlaws, etc, side side missions like poker, sniper challenges, etc...all in all, lots.
I can't seem to log into this, it sends me to a page telling me to buy this domain. I am in Canada, that should not matter, should it?
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