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Anticipating 2013- Part 2

Its time to go back to the future ladies and gentlemen, let us look towards 2013 and the games there that excite me the most. Only five games remain so lets get them down in a list format!

5. GTA V


Who knows, helicopters may even control well!

I hated GTA IV, for me it didnt work on any level. The story was bad, the gameplay was stuck in the previous generation, it controlled poorly, the tone was inconsistent, the game repeatedly contradicted itself, the mission design was repetitive, the characters were atrocious... I could go on. I wont. One thing they did manage was to create an impressive city that felt alive to a certain extent, though it was plagued with weird AI issues and the inescapable fact that it was really just set dressing. It was a backdrop, an impressive one, but still just that.

So why is GTA V so high up on this list? Well because it looks awesome. Rockstar have made strides for me recently, Red Dead Redemption was a marked improvement on GTA IV in every way (and while I still have issues with it I ultimately really liked the game, potentially loved it). LA Noire may not have been them but I thought it was brilliant. Though admittedly the bits I didnt like in LA Noire were the bits that felt like a Rockstar game. Max Payne 3 was bloody spectacular though, one of the best games of this year and easily one of the best shooters of this generation. Rockstar have also impressed me with what theyve shown of GTA V though, the trailers have been awesome and the tone they are going for seems far better than its troubled predecessor. Everything I've seen so far, I've liked, high praise. I may have hated it but GTA IV was an interesting game, and it showed promise, this one should capitalise on that. Also GTA has been so good in the past! They may have lost me last time but I am still interested in the series. Cant wait for this one.

4. The Last of Us


Young Ellen Page and Old Drake, together at last!

Who isnt excited about this game? It looks incredible, nothing short of that. Everything Ive seen of this game so far has made me more and more excited with it. Its a developer I love and its supposed to being made by the A team behind Uncharted 2. Remember Uncharted 2? That game was one of the best wasnt it? This sure is a departure from that, but in a great way, it seems like the anti Uncharted in key ways and that is in no way a bad thing. It looks to have the same level of polish, but a step down from the high octane over the top action of Uncharted to something arguably more real, is a welcome step. Naughty Dog have already crafted great characters and got some emotion out of me and now they are going whole hog for it. On the whole this seems like a rather unique game and a great new IP. Its something different, and once again something interesting.

3. Bioshock Infinite


Hold up a second... That's the Drake's Fortune box art with a flag on it!

Ive loved both of the Bioshock games, admittedly the first was the masterpiece but the second was still rather brilliant. Bioshock Infinite is looking like another intelligent shooter with an engrossing world, but super fun looking gameplay. The themes look simply fantastic, dealing with issues of race in a straight up way is something you dont see in games (at least not often). You are used to a metaphorical conceit or beating around the bush, but this seems different. Also the game seems like it is going to blow my mind, theres always something crazy in Bioshock, and I cant wait to see what is up Ken Levines ornate philosophical sleeve this time. That Revenge of the Jedi thing was insane, and if that is the stuff they are showing us, what are they hiding? This game is set to be stupendous, and those in the press who have had their hands on it have had nothing but praise. God damn am I excited for this game. I need it now. NOW!

2. Dark Souls II


... Dark Souls...

Its Dark Souls. DARK SOULS. I mean we all know that Dark Souls was BY FAR the best game of last year and easily one of the greatest games ever made. This is a sequel to that game. So far we know little, who knows if it will come out in 2013, who cares? Its Dark Souls! There may be talk of making it approachable, but they also started talking about Dark Souls by saying that it would be way harder than Demons Souls, and lets be honest here, it wasnt. I mean its not like From Software are the kind of company who would deceive or actively troll you, I mean its not like they made Dark Souls or something... Oh wait...

1. Beyond: Two Souls


I don't know what excites me more... Well I do, but I'm not telling.

Wait... This game isnt Dark Souls? How did it manage to grab the number one spot? Well it managed that because I cant remember the last time I was this excited for a game. I loved Heavy Rain more than possibly anybody; I awarded it the prestigious honour of my 2010 game of the year, and still hold up that it is one of the highlights of this generation. I am not blind to its issues, I just think that it manages to surpass them, it overcomes them, it wins you over in such a way that it excuses itself. Is this a good thing? Potentially no, but what a fascinating game! A brilliantly ambitious title that fascinated me in a way few other games have. So that is the reason why Beyond Two Souls is exciting me so, another David Cage game where he has learnt from Heavy Rain but can provide us with more of it strengths. Theres still nothing quite like Heavy Rain for me and I want a bit more, from capable hands. Not done to death mind, but a bit more.

So thats a reason... Heres another one. Ellen Page. Im willing to admit that Im a huge Ellen Page fan. Ive seen the majority of her films and retain that she is superb, they may not all be winners, I mean that Tracy Fragments film is completely atrocious, but then there is Juno, Hard Candy and Inception, just fantastic movies! Quite simply a hugely talented lady. I watch films just because she is in them, so now you tell me she is in a game, and she is a key element of it... I need it.

Thats a top 10 done then, come back soon for my top 5 movies of 2012. Oh yes, more padding between now and an eventual top 10 games!