On sunday I went round a friends with a few other people and we partook in a back to back viewing of Crank 1 and 2. I had seen Crank 1 beforehand and knew it to be simply joyous but Crank 2 was new to us all. All I can say is that Crank 1 is awesome and that Crank 2 is truly shocking, disgusting and brilliant. If there are any of you out there who have not sampled the wonders of Crank, which is perhaps the dumbest action movie of all time, except for the sequel, you should check them both out.
Also I watch Lock, Stock and Two Smoking barrels... just now actually. It was on TV and I fancied some more Jason Statham action, that was genuinely an awesome film. Crank is also awesome but Lock Stock is critically speaking a better film.